A Direct Translation of the Quran to English

The Message of the God to the Mankind


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What is the Quran?

The Quran, “The Reading”, is a confirmation of the Torah and the Bible, and it affirms, confirms and repeats the Faith and the Law that was sent in them both. The Faith and the Law that were sent in them have been corrupted. The Arabic Quran, which cannot be adulterated, has today been surrounded by absolute lies attributed to Mohammad outside the Quran and usually referred to as “Ahadith” or “Stories”, and “Sunnah” or “Method”. The Quran, which is The Story or “The Hadith”, is absolutely self sufficient in explaining itself, otherwise it would be from other than the God.

The Quran confirms what has passed before and points to what is to come. Two major events, first a Punishment will come, then the Hour when the Earth, Sun, and Moon as we know it will cease to exist.

The Quran revolves around the explanation of how the God dealt with seven generations and people before us. The Seven Major Examples in chronological order: the people of Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Lot, Shuaib, and Moses and Pharaoh.

The Quran clearly states that all true believers are followers of Abraham and he is their father. Contrary to the belief of the so-called Muslims today who are not Muslims, Mohammad is a follower of the Nation of Abraham true. The Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, Messenger of the God, and His Word, was not killed, was not crucified, and will return and be amongst Mankind as a knowledge to the Hour.

Why is The Majestic Reading the Best Translation?

The Majestic Reading is unique in the way it translates the Arabic text consistently and clarifies the meanings of key words that form the fabric of the Quran. These words, if translated wrongly, would destroy the fabric of the Quran. The sequence of the words in the English translation matches precisely the sequence in the Arabic text without losing clarity. In the translation you will notice the use of black, blue and red italicized text. It is to help readers distinguish between two or more persons, or two or more groups conversing with each other. Red italic text is the God speaking. The English of this translation is written in a majestic way and is the direct translation of the Arabic. The Quranic Arabic is also written majestically and is unlike the everyday spoken Arabic. It is imperative that the reader withdraws from the common sense English and reads it in the majestic way it is written for true understanding.

The Quran